Toegevoegd aan startlijst
27-09 14:34Without teamAC Milan,
27-09 14:34Without teamArsenal,
27-09 14:34Without teamAtlético Madrid,
27-09 14:34Without teamBarcelona,
27-09 14:34Without teamBayern München,
27-09 14:34Without teamBenfica,
27-09 14:34Without teamBorussia Dortmund,
27-09 14:34Without teamCeltic,
27-09 14:34Without teamCrvena Zvezda,
27-09 14:34Without teamFC København,
27-09 14:34Without teamFC Porto,
27-09 14:34Without teamFeyenoord,
27-09 14:34Without teamGalatasaray,
27-09 14:34Without teamInternazionale,
27-09 14:34Without teamLazio Roma,
27-09 14:34Without teamManchester City,
27-09 14:34Without teamManchester United,
27-09 14:34Without teamNapoli,
27-09 14:34Without teamNewcastle United,
27-09 14:34Without teamParis Saint-Germain,
27-09 14:34Without teamPSV,
27-09 14:34Without teamRB Leipzig,
27-09 14:34Without teamRC Lens,
27-09 14:34Without teamReal Madrid,
27-09 14:34Without teamRoyal Antwerp FC,
27-09 14:34Without teamSevilla,
27-09 14:34Without teamShakhtar Donetsk,
27-09 14:34Without teamYoung Boys,
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Startlijst Champions League (RtFT) 2

Dit is de voorlopige startlijst.

(Voetbalteams: 28) Start op di 3 okt 2023, 21:00

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