Toegevoegd aan startlijst
31-01 19:27Nice Métropole Côte dAzurHennequin, Paul
31-01 19:27Nice Métropole Côte dAzurValvasori, Larry
31-01 19:25Tudor Pro Cycling TeamKelemen, Petr
31-01 19:22Israel - Premier TechKogut, Oded
31-01 19:22Israel - Premier TechRaisberg, Nadav
31-01 19:19CofidisToumire, Hugo
31-01 15:27St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Maurelet, Flavien
31-01 10:22Trek - SegafredoHoelgaard, Markus
31-01 10:14EF Education - EasyPostCort Nielsen, Magnus
31-01 10:14EF Education - EasyPostPiccolo, Andrea
30-01 16:25TotalEnergiesSimon, Julien
30-01 16:24Team Arkéa - SamsicRiou, Alan
29-01 22:41Groupama - FDJStewart, Jake
29-01 11:07Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamDversnes, Fredrik
29-01 11:07Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamHalvorsen, Kristoffer
29-01 11:01EF Education - EasyPostBerg, Marijn van den
28-01 00:47Groupama - FDJPaleni, Enzo
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseBerckmoes, Jenno
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseBraet, Vito
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseFretin, Milan
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseMaris, Elias
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloisePoucke, Aaron Van
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseVerwilst, Aaron
25-01 13:41Team Flanders - BaloiseWilde, Gilles De
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBBoven, Luca Van
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBMeens, Johan
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBMertens, Julian
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBMertz, Rémy
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBRobeet, Ludovic
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBTier, Floris De
25-01 13:37Bingoal WBVandepitte, Nathan
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueBarbier, Pierre
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueDanès, Léo
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueGuégan, Maël
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueJegat, Jordan
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueMahoudo, Nolann
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiqueMorin, Emmanuel
25-01 13:37CIC U Nantes AtlantiquePedersen, Rasmus
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaGarcía, Raúl
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaJaime, Alex
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaMarquez, Martí
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaMiquel, Pau
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaSanchez, Eugenio
25-01 13:37Equipo Kern PharmaTuuk, Danny van der
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleArm, Rait
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleBoudat, Thomas
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleLeroux, Samuel
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleLeveau, Jérémy
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleMolly, Kenny
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleTabellion, Valentin
25-01 13:37Go Sport - Roubaix Lille MétropoleVahtra, Norman
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurCouanon, Jonathan
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurDelacroix, Tristan
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurGirard, Damien
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurLe Ny, Jean-Louis
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurLino, Julian
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurMifsud, Andrea
25-01 13:37Nice Métropole Côte dAzurUrruty, Maxime
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Barbier, Rudy
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Cardis, Romain
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Debeaumarché, Nicolas
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Delacroix, Théo
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Devaux, Thomas
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Maldonado, Anthony
25-01 13:37St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Niekerk, Morne van
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamBohli, Tom
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamEriksson, Jacob
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamEriksson, Lucas
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamKamp, Alexander
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamPellaud, Simon
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamReichenbach, Sébastien
25-01 13:37Tudor Pro Cycling TeamSuter, Joel
25-01 13:27Equipo Kern PharmaGalván, Francisco
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesBonnet, Thomas
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesBurgaudeau, Mathieu
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesFerron, Valentin
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesGestel, Dries Van
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesLatour, Pierre
25-01 13:27TotalEnergiesTurgis, Anthony
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamBlume Levy, William
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamJohannessen, Anders
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamJohannessen, Tobias
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamResell, Erik
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamTiller, Rasmus
25-01 13:27Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamUrianstad, Martin
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckBastiaens, Ayco
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckBondt, Dries De
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckBossche, Fabio Van den
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckGhys, Robbe
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckPlanckaert, Edward
25-01 13:23Alpecin - DeceuninckTaminiaux, Lionel
25-01 13:23CofidisChampion, Thomas
25-01 13:23CofidisDelettre, Alexandre
25-01 13:23CofidisPerez, Anthony
25-01 13:23CofidisPérichon, Pierre-Luc
25-01 13:23CofidisRochas, Rémy
25-01 13:23CofidisThomas, Benjamin
25-01 13:23CofidisWallays, Jelle
25-01 13:23EF Education - EasyPostBissegger, Stefan
25-01 13:23EF Education - EasyPostCarr, Simon
25-01 13:23EF Education - EasyPostHealy, Ben
25-01 13:23EF Education - EasyPostPadun, Mark
25-01 13:23EF Education - EasyPostPowless, Neilson
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJArmirail, Bruno
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJBerg, Lars van den
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJLadagnous, Matthieu
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJLienhard, Fabian
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJPinot, Thibaut
25-01 13:23Groupama - FDJWatson, Samuel
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersKwiatkowski, Michal
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersLeonard, Michael
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersRowe, Luke
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersSivakov, Pavel
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersTarling, Joshua
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersTulett, Ben
25-01 13:23INEOS GrenadiersTurner, Ben
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechBoivin, Guillaume
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechGoldstein, Omer
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechHoule, Hugo
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechNeilands, Krists
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechTeuns, Dylan
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechVanmarcke, Sep
25-01 13:23Israel - Premier TechWürtz Schmidt, Mads
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyAdamietz, Johannes
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyBeullens, Cedric
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyBuyst, Jasper De
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyGrignard, Sébastien
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyLie, Arnaud De
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnyMoer, Brent Van
25-01 13:23Lotto DstnySlock, Liam
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicBarré, Louis
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicBouhanni, Nacer
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicGuernalec, Thibault
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicMcLay, Daniel
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicMozzato, Luca
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicPichon, Laurent
25-01 13:23Team Arkéa - SamsicVauquelin, Kévin
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoBernard, Julien
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoKirsch, Alex
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoMosca, Jacopo
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoPedersen, Mads
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoSkjelmose, Mattias
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoSkujins, Toms
25-01 13:23Trek - SegafredoVergaerde, Otto
18-01 18:17Alpecin - DeceuninckLaurance, Axel
13-01 14:35AG2R Citroën TeamWarbasse, Larry
13-01 14:34AG2R Citroën TeamAvermaet, Greg Van
13-01 14:32AG2R Citroën TeamRetailleau, Valentin
13-01 14:31AG2R Citroën TeamParet-Peintre, Valentin
13-01 14:30AG2R Citroën TeamNaesen, Oliver
13-01 14:28AG2R Citroën TeamCosnefroy, Benoît
13-01 14:27AG2R Citroën TeamBonnamour, Franck
Verwijderd van startlijst
31-01 19:27Nice Métropole Côte dAzurDelacroix, Tristan
31-01 19:27Nice Métropole Côte dAzurUrruty, Maxime
31-01 19:25Tudor Pro Cycling TeamReichenbach, Sébastien
31-01 19:22Israel - Premier TechGoldstein, Omer
31-01 19:22Israel - Premier TechWürtz Schmidt, Mads
31-01 19:19CofidisRochas, Rémy
31-01 15:27St Michel - Mavic - Auber93Devaux, Thomas
31-01 10:22Trek - SegafredoKirsch, Alex
31-01 10:14EF Education - EasyPostBerg, Marijn van den
29-01 20:41Team Arkéa - SamsicBouhanni, Nacer
29-01 11:07Uno-X Pro Cycling TeamJohannessen, Tobias
28-01 00:47Groupama - FDJLadagnous, Matthieu
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