Toegevoegd aan startlijst
18-02 14:43Without teamAjax,
18-02 14:43Without teamAnderlecht,
18-02 14:43Without teamAtalanta,
18-02 14:43Without teamAZ,
18-02 14:43Without teamBayern München,
18-02 14:43Without teamCagliari,
18-02 14:43Without teamEintracht Frankfurt,
18-02 14:43Without teamEmpoli,
18-02 14:43Without teamFC København,
18-02 14:43Without teamFC Midtjylland,
18-02 14:43Without teamFiorentina,
18-02 14:43Without teamFortuna Sittard,
18-02 14:43Without teamGetafe,
18-02 14:43Without teamGirona,
18-02 14:43Without teamGo Ahead Eagles,
18-02 14:43Without teamHeidenheim,
18-02 14:43Without teamHellas Verona,
18-02 14:43Without teamHoffenheim,
18-02 14:43Without teamJuventus,
18-02 14:43Without teamLeganés,
18-02 14:43Without teamLiverpool,
18-02 14:43Without teamManchester City,
18-02 14:43Without teamNewcastle United,
18-02 14:43Without teamNottingham Forest,
18-02 14:43Without teamRB Leipzig,
18-02 14:43Without teamReal Betis,
18-02 14:43Without teamReal Madrid,
18-02 14:43Without teamReal Sociedad,
18-02 14:43Without teamStuttgart,
18-02 14:43Without teamUnion Saint-Gilloise,
     Er zijn geen sporters verwijderd van de startlijst
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Startlijst Super League (Teams) 24

Dit is de voorlopige startlijst.

(Voetbalteams: 30) Start op zo 23 feb 2025, 14:30

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