Toegevoegd aan startlijst
30-05 22:01Global 6 CyclingPeltonen, Ukko
30-05 22:01Global 6 CyclingWilliams, Alex
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasGarcia, Jose Maria
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasGuerrero, Esteban
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasGutiérrez, Heberth
30-05 21:58China Glory Continental Cycling TeamXu, Changquan
30-05 21:57Nice Métropole Côte dAzurCouanon, Jonathan
30-05 21:57Nice Métropole Côte dAzurUrruty, Maxime
30-05 21:56St Michel - Auber 93Cardis, Romain
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaAgirre, Jon
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaBerrade, Urko
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaMoreno, Iván
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaParra, José Félix
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaRuiz, Ibon
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMHivert, Jonathan
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMJauregui, Quentin
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMSchönberger, Sebastian
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamBouchard, Geoffrey
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamChampoussin, Clément
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamJungels, Bob
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamParet-Peintre, Aurélien
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamParet-Peintre, Valentin
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamVenturini, Clément
30-05 01:41AG2R Citroën TeamWarbasse, Larry
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMBoileau, Alan
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMBonnamour, Franck
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMChevalier, Maxime
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMGautier, Cyril
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMKoretzky, Victor
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMLietaer, Eliot
30-05 01:41B-B Hotels - KTMRolland, Pierre
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamBennett, Sean
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamBieken, Nazaerbieke
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamDe Rossi, Lucas
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamEmpel, Etienne van
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamHonig, Reinier
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamLyu, Xianjing
30-05 01:41China Glory Continental Cycling TeamSmit, Willie
30-05 01:41CofidisBidard, François
30-05 01:41CofidisFernández, Rubén
30-05 01:41CofidisGeschke, Simon
30-05 01:41CofidisHerrada, Jesús
30-05 01:41CofidisHerrada, José
30-05 01:41CofidisLafay, Victor
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasAlonso, Pablo
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasArmstrong, Thomas
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasBallesteros, Miguel Angel
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasEstelrich, Mateu
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasHoyos, Daniel
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasHoyos, Juan Diego
30-05 01:41Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasJurado, Marcos
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaAraiz, Sergio
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaJaime, Alex
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaLopez, Diego
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaLopez, Jordi
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaNovikov, Savva
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaRepa, Vojtěch
30-05 01:41Equipo Kern PharmaSanchez, Eugenio
30-05 01:41Global 6 CyclingBenton, Thomas
30-05 01:41Global 6 CyclingMitri, James
30-05 01:41Global 6 CyclingSchunk, Conor
30-05 01:41Global 6 CyclingSessler, Nicolas
30-05 01:41Global 6 CyclingSunderland, Dylan
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJDuchesne, Antoine
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJGaudu, David
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJMartinez, Lenny
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJMolard, Rudy
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJPacher, Quentin
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJPinot, Thibaut
30-05 01:41Groupama - FDJReichenbach, Sébastien
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertBakelants, Jan
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertDelacroix, Théo
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertGoossens, Kobe
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertMeintjes, Louis
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertPage, Hugo
30-05 01:41Intermarché - Wanty - GobertZimmermann, Georg
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechBerwick, Sebastian
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechFroome, Chris
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechFuglsang, Jakob
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechGoldstein, Omer
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechHoule, Hugo
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechPiccoli, James
30-05 01:41Israel - Premier TechWoods, Michael
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalBarbero, Carlos
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalCras, Steff
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalGils, Maxim Van
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalKron, Andreas
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalSweeny, Harry
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalVervloesem, Xandres
30-05 01:41Lotto SoudalWellens, Tim
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamElosegui, Iñigo
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamGonzález, Abner
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamJorgenson, Matteo
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamMühlberger, Gregor
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamRodríguez, Oscar
30-05 01:41Movistar TeamSamitier, Sergio
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurAmadori, Julien
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurBerlin, Antoine
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurBonnefoix, Edouard
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurDelacroix, Tristan
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurGoubert, Jean
30-05 01:41Nice Métropole Côte dAzurMifsud, Andrea
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Delbove, Joris
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Maldonado, Anthony
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Maurelet, Flavien
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Niekerk, Morne van
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Paillot, Yoann
30-05 01:41St Michel - Auber 93Rossetto, Stéphane
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicBarguil, Warren
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicBouet, Maxime
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicEdet, Nicolas
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicOwsian, Lukasz
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicQuintana, Dayer
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicRies, Michel
30-05 01:41Team Arkéa - SamsicVerre, Alessandro
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueBarré, Louis
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueJegat, Jordan
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueJoalland, Yaël
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueLe Turnier, Mathias
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueMariault, Axel
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueRichard, Louis
30-05 01:41Team U Nantes AtlantiqueRichard Andrade, Florian
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesDe La Parte, Víctor
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesDoubey, Fabien
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesFerron, Valentin
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesJousseaume, Alan
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesLatour, Pierre
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesOurselin, Paul
30-05 01:41TotalEnergiesVuillermoz, Alexis
30-05 00:52CofidisIzagirre, Ion
Verwijderd van startlijst
30-05 22:00Global 6 CyclingBenton, Thomas
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasHoyos, Juan Diego
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasHoyos, Daniel
30-05 21:59Electro Hiper Europa - CaldasJurado, Marcos
30-05 21:58China Glory Continental Cycling TeamSmit, Willie
30-05 21:57Nice Métropole Côte dAzurBonnefoix, Edouard
30-05 21:56St Michel - Auber 93Maldonado, Anthony
30-05 21:56St Michel - Auber 93Niekerk, Morne van
30-05 21:54AG2R Citroën TeamParet-Peintre, Aurélien
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaAraiz, Sergio
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaRepa, Vojtěch
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaJaime, Alex
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaNovikov, Savva
30-05 13:39Equipo Kern PharmaSanchez, Eugenio
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMBoileau, Alan
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMChevalier, Maxime
30-05 13:38B-B Hotels - KTMKoretzky, Victor
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Startlijst Mercan'Tour Classic Alpes-Maritimes

Update 30-05 22:02 uur: De startlijst is definitief!

(Renners: 113) Start op di 31 mei 2022, 11:02

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