Toegevoegd aan startlijst
25-03 15:02Without teamAthletic Club,
25-03 14:57Without teamCercle Brugge,
25-03 14:57Without teamKV Kortrijk,
25-03 14:54Without teamAC Milan,
25-03 14:54Without teamAjax,
25-03 14:54Without teamAtalanta,
25-03 14:54Without teamBarcelona,
25-03 14:54Without teamBorussia Dortmund,
25-03 14:54Without teamBrøndby IF,
25-03 14:54Without teamF91 Dudelange,
25-03 14:54Without teamFC Midtjylland,
25-03 14:54Without teamFC Twente,
25-03 14:54Without teamFeyenoord,
25-03 14:54Without teamFiorentina,
25-03 14:54Without teamGirona,
25-03 14:54Without teamGo Ahead Eagles,
25-03 14:54Without teamHeracles Almelo,
25-03 14:54Without teamInternazionale,
25-03 14:54Without teamLille,
25-03 14:54Without teamMainz 05,
25-03 14:54Without teamNapoli,
25-03 14:54Without teamOsasuna,
25-03 14:54Without teamPSV,
25-03 14:54Without teamRC Lens,
25-03 14:54Without teamReal Betis,
25-03 14:54Without teamReal Mallorca,
25-03 14:54Without teamSC Freiburg,
25-03 14:54Without teamSevilla,
25-03 14:54Without teamStade Brestois 29,
25-03 14:54Without teamToulouse,
25-03 14:54Without teamUdinese,
25-03 14:54Without teamUnion Berlin,
25-03 14:54Without teamValencia,
Verwijderd van startlijst
25-03 14:57Without teamF91 Dudelange,
25-03 14:57Without teamStade Brestois 29,
25-03 14:57Without teamToulouse,
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Startlijst Super League (Teams) 28

Dit is de voorlopige startlijst.

(Voetbalteams: 30) Start op zo 30 mrt 2025, 14:30

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